Tow Tugs | Electric Tugs

Tow tugs prevent pushing or pulling strains and injuries, when moving heavy wheeled objects.

Tow tugs have controllable speed and braking, thereby allowing the operator to go as slow or fast as is practicable. The automatic braking comes into play when the speed controller is turned off. The wheeled item is prevented from moving of its own accord.

Tugs can push and pull everything from a three tiered picking trolley to an aeroplane. The pictures below show just a few of the many tow tug types available.

Trollies have first to swivel their castors in the direction to move, then all wheels must overcome the inertia created by the load. The tow tug selected must have enough power to do this. It must also have enough traction to be able to pull a load over different surface types and to navigate slopes without slipping or being pushed by the load, so the correct tug selection is critical.

Wheel and tyre selection can be important for rough surfaces and for locations where nails, swarf, debris may impact.

Next comes the number of journeys and their duration. Important for the selection of battery power required to work for a full day.

Then determine what type of hitch you need. Ball. Pin. Other, and at what height.

Remember that purchasing a Pack King Tow Tug is very cheap insurance. You are removing the potential for injuries to your workers. Once in place, there is no excuse for an operator to choose to move a heavy wheeled object by hand.


Tow Tug. Heavy Duty. Model Wp 200at. Side

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